FrostburgFirst, in cooperation with the City of Frostburg, is accepting proposals for a public art project for the Frostburg Arts & Entertainment District. This is a public art opportunity for the retaining wall leading up Depot Street to the downtown area. The opportunity is open to any qualified artist or team of artists working collaboratively to create a piece of public art. The project is proposal only at this time, with the plan to implement the chosen proposal in the spring and summer of 2022. Submissions will be reviewed by a panel and then all qualified submissions will be shared via FrostburgFirst social media for a public vote. The winners will move forward to the implementation stage during which the selected artist will be provided with a stipend and reimbursement for materials and labor.

The design must be suitable and acceptable for public display for viewing by citizens of all ages. FrostburgFirst is looking for a permanent (10 – 15 year life cycle) public art installation. Preference will be given to proposals that celebrate the history and natural beauty of Frostburg. The winning submission will include elements of Frostburg history, outdoor recreation (biking, hiking, etc.), arts & entertainment, connection to transportation/mining history, and the “It’s Just Cooler Here” slogan.